Monday, May 12, 2008

Planning and Forecasting

A question 'well-wishers' frequently confront you with, "Where do you want to be 5 years from now?" or, "where do you see yourself 10 years from now?" Is it a rhetorical question? Do they really expect an answer? I don't know what to answer that with even if there is a right answer to such queries! 2 years ago I didn't even know I would be working in my current profile; a month ago I wasn't sure I would be sticking to it!

One can't necessarily plan out half a decade in advance. But no, they are not asking for the plan but a general idea! Believe me, the demarcation is invisible...

Planning on such elaborate scale not only takes away the spontaneity from my life but also sucks out the element of surprise from it...But that is not the true reason I (and I hope others like me would agree on this) don't like to plan so much in advance. The reason for this is in case, life doesn't follow the planned route there would always be those bunch of 'well-wishers' waiting to question your planning and execution skills and blaming you for not sticking with your plans for your life! You become answerable. I don't know how, why, when but, you do become liable to defend yourself and answer those questions. And, your monologue is usually followed by the usual 'told-you-so's'. Really if you did do you think I wouldn't have remembered?!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

...Quite Contrary!

I finally recognise the thought which has been nagging me as I write and save every draft without publishing it for months now. A small voice in my head, keeps on reminding me that whatever I publish shall be read by others and inevitably be judged too. No one likes being assessed by a stranger (as far as my experience with human beings go!). We strive to minimise human errors through technology forgetting that errors help us evolve. One hates being judged unfavourably.

But how can you experience the intensity of pain from a wound without ever having hurt yourself!

Failures keep us going...going towards achieving success; quite contrary!

A regular day at work changes when a deal is won or lost. Without these two extremes life goes on as usual. But it is not the 'usual' which makes you look forward to another day of toil (Even failure is preceded by struggle!).

If I am branded a failure in your judgement I would struggle to write better (even if we never meet, never know each other). Such is the contrariness of achievement!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Bombay Dreams...!!

Thousands of different voices around you yet you are alone. ..that's the beauty of is a spell that has charmed people for many years!! One can either fall in love with this city or despise it completely...both ways it evokes emotion; its impossible to be indifferent!